
Latest Version:

  • BitDiffer
  • January 15, 2014
  • .NET 4/3.x/2.0

To download the latest version of BitDiffer, please click on the link below:

This download installs the full version of BitDiffer. The application will operate in trial mode if a license key has not been entered.

For the full set of documentation browse the Wiki Page.

Older Versions:

Do not install an older version unless you have found critical problems in the latest release. Be sure to contact us if you find that you need to use an older version. Older versions can be found in the Download directory.

Release Notes:
Target .NET4 Platform
Added some command line options
Miscellaneous fixes
Added support for commmand line options in the GUI client
Fixed some cosmetic issues
Handles non-.NET assemblies more gracefully
Fixed issue with modified public methods inside private classes being detected as breaking changes
Fixed issue with iteration over generics improperly being detected as implementation changed
Fixed issues with loading unicode streams on some assemblies
Fixed logging exception
Fixed issue with falsely reporting breaking changes
Changed behavior of -publiconly flag on console interface
Fixed the issues when loading certain .NET 3.0 framework assemblies
Log messages populated correctly
Additional validation and guidance on “Open” cset file
Correctly handle exception deserializing cset file
Fixed exception parsing some methods
Fixed problem causing constructors to be skipped
Fixed exception during comparison with very short method names
Fixed issue with “Send To” using older Outlook versions
Other miscellaneous fixes and enhancements